Monday, May 18, 2020

How I passed the Azure Administrator Associate exams

Hello Techies,

I am sure being a system administrator is not only about demonstrating technical skills but also keeping up to-date with the latest certifications and hence gaining more experience and knowledge.
I just wanted to share some of my practical methods I deployed in order to achieve success and also about my preparations for the Azure Administrator Associate Exams.
The steps involved:

1. Preparation time

I was working with Ylneo at that time and the company required me to have this certification. So, they provided me with all the materials and handouts so that I am well prepared. Each day, alongside with my workload, I had to plan for my study time.

I divided my time as follows over 1 month :

First 2 weeks including weekends :
- 4 hours reading time
- 4 hours lab practice

Last 2 weeks:
-4 hours questions and theory
-2 hours lab practice

2. Labs practice

In my experience with this type of certification, labs practice was of utmost importance. Of course, it will be beneficial in the working environment but also to my advantage in the exams room as their are at least a dozen questions coming from practicals. Therefore, my advice to any person wishing to succeed this exams is to keep practicing and understand concepts and scenarios before attempting questions.

3. Questions practice

Practicing questions and trying to remember details as answers quite resemble each other was the most tedious part of it all. So, I again divided the number of questions I attempted per day like a dozen questions in one day till I am done with all of them 3 days before the exams.
During the final three days, I attempted all the questions again but all in one go and tried to achieve maximum score.

4. Exams Day

Obviously, you will definitely not remember everything but if concepts are understood, it becomes easier to find the answer.I got like 20 new questions in my question pool.
However, the trick is to study the material, have a plan till exams day, revise well, practice labs (cannot stress on the fact that labs helped me a lot) and have a positive mindset.

To wrap up, I was really happy to obtain this certification as I learned a lot  and enjoyed being certified as an Azure Administrator Associate.

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